Friday, February 27, 2009

My Sophie's Choice

On Wednesday afternoon, I took a surprisingly interesting walk. Lately, I've been taking walks either down State St. or Dearborn towards the canal, despite freezing cold that defies imagination, to clear my head. On this particular afternoon, I was on State, about three or four blocks from my apartment and I was stopped by a representative from Environment Illinois. I hadn't really been paying attention, I had my iPod on - probably listening to some embarrassing '80s tripe as I tend to do while walking - and stopped without thinking. When she told me which organization she was from, we had a nice, long talk about their goals and strategies. She was really and truly surprised that I didn't walk away, and moreso that I was willing to have a serious and engaging conversation about the issues - and that I was comparatively well-educated on them. And I couldn't help but think how sad it was that she had to be surprised about something like this. It says some terrible things about our nation.

In any case, the problem with this is that they want money. Not that I fault them for this - money really is the only thing that actually gets things done - but if you're haunting streets in the South Loop of Chicago hoping for financial supporters, you're in the wrong place. You're only going to hit college student after college student and we are dirt poor. It bummed me out quite a bit, because I wanted so badly to help, but I just can't afford $15 a month. I can't say that it's, to quote the old cliche, hard to find good help these days, but rather hard to help period these days.

After our somewhat lengthy encounter, I ran into Kristen Wiig from Saturday Night Live. So. It was a helluva walk. Anyhow, I got back to my apartment about an hour later and I started to feel guilty. Granted, I have had a lot on my mind this week - far more than I'm used to ever having - but the guilt was still there. I thought, "Well, I can spend money I don't have on a seemingly bottomless pit of theatre tickets but I can't afford $15 a month for the environment? Really, Self?"

So then I started to wonder: what's more important? My rabid, almost chemical need to see every single play that comes through Chicago, or...saving the planet? An age-old question, I'm sure. The answer should be pretty clear and, I guess, it is. I'm just ignoring it.

...In other news, I'm seeing Our Town at Lookingglass on Friday! Actually, I'm ushering for it, which in some ways is even better. You don't get the relaxing, recreational theatre experience, but you get to be a part of it, and see the show for free! And usually all of the volunteer ushers at Lookingglass are upwards of sixty and those kids are the best. I'm rambling now. Ta.


  1. You ran in to Kristen Wiig? DID YOU TALK TO HER? ARE YOU AS OBSESSED AS I AM? Oh my god, that woman is hysterical.

    Dude, I give too much money away. Honestly. Did you know that you can be a member of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette and Planned Parenthood Oregon all at the same time? And not just for one flat price, for three different chunks that are taken from your account!

    Someone needs to take away my Visa. And my MasterCard.

  2. I totally did not talk to her. She walked past me and into Barnes & Noble as I did about four double-takes. It was still pretty awesome. She looked great. No idea what she's doing in Chicago though.

    Uh. Lady, if you had any idea how much money I've spent on theatre tickets in the last month, it would give you a coronary. Stupid plastic cards!

  3. Oh man, you should have talked to her. Not that I would have, I probably would have done exactly what you did LOL.

    Well. I would probably spend that much money on theatre tickets if I lived in a place where there was regularly good theatre, so.

  4. Enjoy Our Town, and blog about it, if you care to do...I'm interested to know what you think.

    I always feel bad that I can't give more $, too...but then again, being approached on the street is sometimes a little much. Did you tell her that she wasn't in the best place? Oh man. It's sad that we have to feel guilty about things like that. But it happens. I'd rather give time and energy working a booth one day than commit to $15 that I can't afford...strange, I've never offered to run a booth though ('cause I'm a jerk).
