Friday, February 20, 2009

Meaningless ramblings

I can't sleep. Normally this would be of little consequence to me, but I have therapy early in the morning. And I have a headache plaguing me somethin' fierce. So what do I do? Blogville, USA.

I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to. This may be either due to the fact that I have nothing intelligent to say, or the fact that I'm busy. But who am I kidding? I'm a college student. I'm not busy. I sit on my computer all day when I'm not in class and not "partying." Don't ever let a college kid tell you that they're busy. Because it's a lie. Nine times out of ten they're spending the majority of their day on Facebook and/or lounging in their apartment watching Comedy Central or something equally mindless.

In other news, my roommate and I went to Second City on Tuesday night. I hadn't been since September, and the show was even funnier than the last one I saw. Taylor and I were crammed together at a table with two guys in their late '20s, who bought us drinks (Second City makes a mean strawberry daquiri, by the way), and we all managed an intelligent conversation about Saturday Night Live vs. SCTV. As much as I love SNL, I'll take Catherine O'Hara and Andrea Martin over anyone from SNL any day. I wish there had been a sketch show comprised entirely of Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, and Martin Short, just for kicks.

Also, we got lost and ended up taking a $3 cab ride because the theatre was literally two blocks from where we finally broke down and hailed a cab. Classy, right?

Apropo of nothing, I want to talk about Big Love. I don't know if any of you watch it, but this season has just been blowing me away. The show is finally exploring so many of the issues that have needed to be address in the past, and bringing so many fascinating emotional conflicts into the fray. It's better than it's ever been. It's always been brilliant, but I really cannot get over how flawless it's been lately. If you don't watch it, consider this my recommendation.

Okay, that's it for me. I'll save my Los Angeles longings for next time. That's a loaded topic.

1 comment:

  1. Los Angeles longings? tell you the truth it isn't as great as it seems. But if you don't know already, we always want to be somewhere we're not. Nice ramble by the way.
